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In Memoriam – Architect Deba Prasad Maitra, Part 1.

Remembering D.P. Maitra - one of the first six to have received the very first B.Arch Degree in 1954, in India.

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Architect Deba Prasad Maitra was one of the original six who received their very first B.Arch degree ever awarded in India, way back in 1954. We are heartbroken to announce that he left for his heavenly abode on the 7th of March, 2021. He has had the rare luck of working under the masters, starting from Prof. Joseph Allen Stein during his college, to working on the earliest phases of Chandigarh and much more. In his long and illustrious career, he has been to the USA and Africa, and his personal dairy stands proof of his experiences. In between 27th June 2014 and 21st May 2016, D.P. Maitra wrote extensively about his life, the experiences he had as being one of the earliest home-grown architects in Independent India, and much more. D.P. Maitra has always taken immense pride in his Alma Mater, the Department of Architecture, Town & Regional Planning, Bengal Engineering College, Shibpur, and till his last days, always attended college events and maintained a steady connection with the department, especially the young generation.

His death comes at great personal cost to us, not only because he was one of the first graduates of our department, but also because Sthapatya is currently in process of publishing his autobiography independently. It is our extreme inability that we weren’t being able to publish his work in time, however, we aim to bring it to you in the coming months. We do apologize because we lost a sincere chance to honor the memories and contributions of Ar. Deba Prasad Maitra.

As a sincere vote of gratitude to Ar. Maitra for his contributions to the fraternity, we bring to our audience, two small excerpts from his diary.

The following was written by Ar. Maitra on Saturday, 25 June 2016, and provides the prologue to probably the first starts to the Bachelor of Architecture degree in the-then Indian subcontinent.

The Beginning

Exactly sixty-two years ago from now, in May 1954, six simpleton young boys in their very early twenties sat for an examination in Bengal Engineering College in Howrah, West Bengal, after five years of rigorous study, to obtain a Bachelor Degree in Architecture. It was for the first time such an examination was being held in India. It was conducted by the University of Calcutta. The names of the young boys are Venkateswaran Sundareswaran, Amiya Kumar Bannerjee, Biswa Kanta Dhar, Subir Majumdar, Arun Kumar Dasgupta, and Deba Prasad Maitra. These boys succeeded, obtained their degrees, and jumped into their professional lives. As pioneers, these boys did not do badly, worked in India and abroad. Three of them did their Masters from US Institutions including venerated Harvard and MIT. The lone survivor now among these pioneers is the last-named Deba Prasad Maitra.
The seed for a related Institute was also sown in this month in Bombay one hundred years ago in 1916. In due course of time, it grew into the Indian Institute of Architects which is celebrating its centenary this year at its Headquarters in Mumbai and also through its branches, called Chapter, spread in various State Capitals all over India.
Legal recognition for architects as a profession in India came much later in 1972 when the Indian Parliament passed the relevant Act establishing the Council of Architecture where qualified architects can register after graduating from various recognized Institutes. It has not been a smooth process and it still is not.

Another of his recalls appears in the Student’s Society’s post dating back to 11th July 2016, in which, he discusses the origin of the B.Arch degree in India.

Seed to Sapling

In the mid-thirties of the twentieth century, the University Of Calcutta contemplated starting a Five year Degree course in architecture leading to a Degree of Bachelor of Architecture. I faintly remember I probably heard this story more than sixty years ago from Architect Habibur Rahman, a graduate from B.E. College in a discipline obviously different from Architecture. Strangely, he did his post-graduation in Architecture from an eminent US Institution. He was our visiting professor and was then working in WBPWD. Presumably, a Committee was formed in the University to prepare a syllabus for a five-year degree course in Architecture. The deliberations started in right earnest. But the whole process was interrupted by the start of World War II in 1939 and everything was shelved and collected dust for almost six years till the War ended in 1945. The only place where the course could have been introduced in Bengal at that time was Bengal Engineering College. The process of preparation of the syllabus must have been restarted but obviously in a very lackadaisical manner because when I appeared for the Admission Test of B.E. College (no JEE then) as late as 1949, it was only for the usual courses. There was no sign of a course in Architecture in B E College visible on the horizon or any mention of it in the admission test in 1949. The process of approval etc must not have been completed to start the course at that time. I had opted for Civil Engineering, an obvious choice at that time. I was not even aware of the possible existence of a course in Architecture. I was confident that I will definitely get through after a pretty impressive performance in Admission Test and Interview. But it was not to be. Disappointed, I went back to my old St Xaviers College in Kolkata for a BSc Hons course

I must have very narrowly missed the admission in the first instance. Otherwise, how could I receive a letter immediately afterward offering me admission in a five-year course in Architecture? Mind you, the course was yet to be approved by the Senate of the University of Calcutta. After all these years, I wonder who or what authority was in a tearing hurry to start the course in 1949 itself, even as a Diploma course and still pending approval from the university for a regular Degree Course? A Diploma Course in the high profile B.E. College? Unthinkable at that time! Under normal circumstances, the Degree Course should have started in 1950 after obtaining University approval. Now, consider this situation. If the course had started in 1950 where would I be today? Would I still go through my working life as an architect? No way! There was then, no possibility of an offer of admission to me in 1949. An offer of admission in 1950 on the basis of the previous year’s admission test would be a pipe dream! The approval came in 1950 which resulted in our brand new class missing the B. Arch. Part I examination at the end of 1st year and the resultant University Certificate. The subsequent path up to graduation was smooth with minor ups and downs.

So I became an architect by a combination of unexpected circumstances and almost by accident. What is strange is that I never gave it a second thought throughout my professional career. Only now, it appears to be something so strange!

Explore the earliest days of the Bachelor of Architecture coursework in India in the second part of In Memoriam – Ar. Deba Prasad Maitra.

As a symbol of honor, Sthapatya Publishers is going ahead with the plans of publishing Ar. D.P. Maitra’s Autobiography. Please fill the form below to register your interest and pre-book your copy. Orders delivered to your door-step only on pre-booking.

D.P. Maitra Autobiography: Expression of Interest

The autobiography of Late Ar. Deba Prasad Maitra is being published by Sthapatya Publishers in two languages primarily - Bengali & English. As the author has foregone his royalty, Sthapatya Publishers has decided to utilise the remuneration generated from the royalty to create the commemorative D.P. Maitra Memorial Architectural Media Fellowship to honour the memories of the very first batch of B.Arch degree holders in India. This fellowship is planned as an annual event. Ar. Deba Prasad Maitra was one of the first six to have received the very first Bachelor Of Architecture degree in the Indian Subcontinent, awarded by the Dept. of Architecture, Town & Regional Planning, Bengal Engineering College (IIEST Shibpur now), way back in 1954. Further details on the D.P. Maitra Memorial Architectural Media Fellowship will be given out soon. Please help us honor the memory by purchasing a copy of the autobiography. D.P. Maitra’s eloquent portrayal of his journeys and experiences are a treasure trove for the interested reader, and the easy flowing content, in the original form of a dairy is a priceless read. Thank you for filling the form. Further information will be communicated soon. Note: Filling this form communicates an expression of interest in purchasing a copy of the autobiography. It is in no way, abiding for any party.
    The Bengali edition of the book, priced at INR 599-799 (tentative) will be available only on pre-orders, and the expected delivery date is by the end of August 2021. The English version is also expected to cost the same, however will ship by September 2021. Note: These books are only available through pre-bookings, so please pre-book your copy. The payment link will be sent to you very soon.
    Sthapatya Publishers offer special discounts on bulk orders or multiple copies ordered by an Institution, or offices as well. Shipping to individual employee/faculty residences is available. Please contact us at info.sthapatya@gmail.com if you wish to purchase in bulk, or just fill the choice below and we will get back to you.

Thank you for your time, and interest in the Autobiography. We sincerely hope you will enjoy the read.

Explore the earliest days of the Bachelor of Architecture coursework in India in the second part of In Memoriam – Ar. Deba Prasad Maitra.

Feature Image: The Clock Tower overlooking Bidisha Lake and the new building, Indian Institute of Engineering Science & Technology, Shibpur (erstwhile BESU Shibpur, or B.E. College Shibpur). Courtesy – VBridge.

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