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Six final proposals of the Parliament & Central Vista Redevelopment Project

Walkthroughs of the proposals that were presented to the CPWD, G.o.I. for the iconic & controversial Parliament & Central Vista Redevelopment project.

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We finally have the long-awaited decision on who is going to “Redesign” the Parliament Building, Common Central Secretariat and Central Vista at New Delhi”. This iconic project which can very easily be categorized to be the most important architectural commission of the (post-independence) Republic of India has come under severe fire from the architecture and design fraternity of the country for the strange manner in which the project is being dealt with by the government. Much of it has been kept under wraps, and the entire process is shady. With eminent publications raising questions about the lack of transparency in the project timeline, it is evident that the concern has slowly but surely tricked down from the design fraternity into the common populace.

The winner was a firm who was seen as a strong contender, and speculations were ablaze about how the entire bidding and presentation episode is just an eyewash to make the process look apparently democratic. It wasn’t democratic. It was (still is) as far from democracy as is the United States of America from Communism.

This and many other issues make this entire episode a shameful blotch on the history of a country which happens to be the largest democracy of the world. However, one has to move on, and amidst much letter exchanges, paper roaring, and useless deliberations, we did. We accepted like we always do. The Government did what it wanted to do as usual.

The speculations were right.
HCP Design, Planning And Management Pvt. Ltd. won the commission. 
And surprisingly enough, the final remuneration for the consultation was 40% below the estimated cost of ₹448 crores! And here, we are dreaming of setting the profession upright by trying to drag it from the shambles and dust. Oh, the irony!

In light of the recent events, Sthapatya has come in possession of the six video walkthroughs that were a part of the final presentations submitted to the CPWD, Govt. of India by the six participating firms, one of whom got disqualified for non-fulfillment of mandatory clauses.

It is only democratic and befitting that we publish these six videos and make them open to the fraternity and the general public so that they can see the final choice of the Government and the other five proposals for themselves.

Walkthrough 1: HCP Design, Planning And Management Pvt. Ltd. (Bid Winning Proposal)

Walkthrough 2: CP Kukreja Architects

Walkthrough 3: Hafeez Contractor

Walkthrough 4: Sikka Associates Architects

Walkthrough 5: Arcop

Walkthrough 6: INI Design Studio

While it happens to be a truth that the intention, quality and aesthetic appeal of any design cannot completely be judged by just a walkthrough, it is also true that the same provides a pretty good impression of what a design is and what it aims to achieve. As such, these six offer a substantial depth into what the individual firms have put on the table as a part of their proposal.

The walkthrough of the proposal by Hafeez Contractor has already been published on Vimeo and has been doing rounds on social media, and receiving a heavy amount of negative feedback and flak. The design seems to be a copy of Superstar- A mobile Chinatown by Beijing based architect MAD.

Sthapatya invites all to have a look at the walkthroughs and let know in the comments which one of them should have been the winning design according to them. Because, that’s how a Democracy works, right?

Sthapatya is the only portal that discusses architecture in Bengali (along with English) with the aim of raising architectural and design awareness amongst the common populace by using the colloquial language. We would request your help and support to render this initiative successful by being a part of Sthapatya. 
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  1. Anurag Ranjan says

    Kukreja’s master plan and other buildings are great whereas Sikka’s parliament building is what I found better than other(though), they were unable to deliver clear concept on their building.

    1. Neelakshi srivastava says

      Absolutely correct Sir. Agree completely.
      More Architects should be given chance to be part of such an important , historical and landmark of our country , which is too huge to be handled by a single firm.
      Historians and Artists should also be made part of it .
      More importantly , it should be split into different levels or heirarchy in-order to let diffetent experts handle each area – Overall Concept ( theme ) , Master planning , Individual buildings etc…, rather than one office .

  2. Lalit Maurya says

    Very good architecture and planning

  3. Harsh Goel says

    INI Design was disqualified earlier due to an error. But were later one of the final 4 entries whose financial bids were opened. I request you to kindly correct it. Arcop (not Archohm) and Hafeez did not move to the financial bid opening round. INI Did.

    1. Sthapatya Editorial says

      Hello Harsh.
      We have rectified the INI Design portion as it was brought to our notice by the studio. Thanks for informing us. We also rectified Arcop, Arcohm was a silly typo on our part.

    2. Zeeshan Ali says

      Good one

    3. Harman says

      Its gonna be the one of the biggest.

  4. Dr. Santosh Kumar says

    Though there is a dire necessity to reinvent Lutyen’s Delhi to upgrade the capital of India, yet my professional opinion as a Consultant Architect & Engineer is to go global instead of restricting the assignment to top 10 Architects of India, none of whom has any international experience to handle assignment of this magnitude.
    I also feel it is not an appropriate time to sink precious capital when the economy of the country is undergoing the worst patch.

    1. Kausar shaheer says

      Didn’t like any one of the ideas.. please involve top most consultants historians artists and intelectuals before finalizing any idea

  5. ashish thakur says

    I hope none of the above are comissioned, or built, it will grossly undermine the collective intellect of the country.

  6. Verendra wakhloo -architect says

    Why should in a democracy only one single architectural firm be engaged in doing the entire project which in its scale is far too large to do justice to the quality that one expects from a national endeavor and that too in a short period of time. Even during the British Raj things were more democratic as different architects were engaged to undertake the design, i.e. Baker, Lutyens, etc. Are we living now rather in an autocratic system and talking only about democracy … surely a masterplan stating certain guidelines can be arrived at by a singular firm but not the entire planning of so many buildings, Berlin’s recent development of the government buildings is a good example of how diversity can be achieved hence all the proposals are anti-democratic.

    1. Bimal kachroo says

      Dear wakhloo
      Who is bothered for design issues in our
      Great democracy
      This is clear indication of killing
      Young minds who would have come with better
      A good arch company could have acted as
      Enabler for urban framework
      Regards bimal kachroo

      1. Neelakshi srivastava says

        Absolutely correct Sir. Agree completely.
        More Architects should be given chance to be part of such an important , historical and landmark of our country , which is too huge to be handled by a single firm.
        Historians and Artists should also be made part of it .
        More importantly , it should be split into different levels or heirarchy in-order to let diffetent experts handle each area – Overall Concept ( theme ) , Master planning , Individual buildings etc…, rather than one office .

    2. Neelakshi srivastava says

      Absolutely correct Sir. Agree completely.
      More Architects should be given chance to be part of such an important , historical and landmark of our country , which is too huge to be handled by a single firm.
      Historians and Artists should also be made part of it .

  7. Shera says

    The winning design is the most unimaginative design. Just shows how connections help. It’s a pity that with so much of cultural technological and Vaastu Shilp heritage of building technological aesthetical And Cosmic marvels in the past we have these entries which are bereft of any soul. What is expected is a combination of all the past knowledge of Indian heritage and the latest technological advances to create landmarks befitting India’s future.

  8. Vineet says

    Arcop’s video is extremely short and thus the proposal doesn’t come out .
    Each one has something worth appreciating.

  9. Gaurang khemka says

    This should have been a global competition and most importantly master planning and architecture should have been split up. The design of individual buildings should have been done by at least a few diff architects. Cities need diversity.
    The master planning by INI, HCP, and CPK all have some merits.
    1. INI’s idea of locating the parliament between Rashtrapati Bhawan and India Gate is interesting. Axis should have had minimal columns tho (like the arc de triumph or the Lisbon expo bldg by Alvaro Siza)
    2. CPK: master planning ideas are excellent and to connect to the river is a great idea tho somewhat untenable. Wish they had not gone overboard w the tower etc and kept it understated like the secretariat blogs proposed by them.
    3. HCP: understated and simple and has merits.

    The others don’t even deserve to be showcased and should be binned. Very sad for a project of this caliber.

    A global competition where foreign firms would have to team up with Indian registered architects and judged by a respected impartial jury, followed by public opinion (voting) prior to opening the financial bid would have been a democratic process that would have allowed for better ideas and finally a better product for the citizens.

  10. Prashant says

    Didn’t like the HCP design. But sadly we have to bear those concrete boxes for the rest of our lives.

  11. V Narendar Rao says

    Non has followed Sir Edward lutyens concept of central Vista connecting to Rastrapathi Bhavan. It’s a dream for general public to see Rastrapathi Bhavan, now at least general public can view from a distance, with the proposals the view of Rastrapathi Bhavan, which is iconic and national heritage building view will be blocked . For creating history, none ha right to distroye the Nationalheritage princicst of Rajpath. Non have worth to think Lutyens concept. If Govt wanted they should plan somewhere else , but not at Rajpath

    1. Udbhav says

      The so-called ‘Sir’ Lutyen stole the concept of Parliament from Chausath Yogini Temple, did not mention though. Communist infected narratives have long subjugated the ‘Bhartiyata’ of Indian Design, similar to perversion of most other fields like culture, history and social consciousness. It is high time that India get itself free from shadows of British slavery. This project and Kashi Vishwanath Corridor are subtle, but initial steps towards getting away from ‘slavery heritage’.

      1. Udbhav says

        The irony laughs, as so – called champion of democracy has put comments on moderation instead of directly posting it. Because, that’s how a Democracy works, right?

        1. Sthapatya Editorial says

          Moderation is to ensure content remains clean. The part that this comment even got published with a reply simply makes it a policy intricacy, website-wise.
          Thank you for your time.

  12. Vansarla Narendar Rao says

    Non has followed Sir Edward lutyens concept of central Vista connecting to Rastrapathi Bhavan. It’s a dream for general public to see Rastrapathi Bhavan, now at least general public can view from a distance, with the proposals the view of Rastrapathi Bhavan, which is iconic and national heritage building view will be blocked . For creating history, none ha right to distroye the Nationalheritage princicst of Rajpath. Non have worth to think Lutyens concept. If Govt wanted they should plan somewhere else , but not at Rajpath

  13. Harshi Budhiaja says

    Thanks alot Shubhayan for doing this. Much awaited.
    The proposal from INI and CPK were also impressive. But, at the end, HCP it is.
    Also, Where can we find the detailed design proposal from HCP. ? It will be amazing if you could post that. Thanks.

    1. rashid shaikh says

      That was there final design proposal.. please cp kukreja’s design proposal was way better than hcp .

  14. Ar Gurupyara Bhatnagar says

    The idea of vehicle free central Vista generated by C P Kukreja firm is considerable but whole idea of redesigning of Central Vista along with side buildings is not correct. What’s the problem with central Vista? Some of us have the problem with old buildings that they are reminding us of colonial era. Fine we can change those building and integrate them with central Vista. Very lately a parliament library was added and it was great Integration by Raj Rewal sir so why it can not be done this way? Each individual design or may be some of the group of buildings can be clubbed and their design comptetions can be floated so that more number of different ideas can come as qualification criteria will change. More over, this is not the right time to take such project when economy is not in good shape. Celebration of Diamond jublee of our Independence in a new central Vista is again a colonial mind set up.

  15. Upendra Raval says

    Hey Ram. Yes, kids in the capital do not have clean air to breathe and here a competition for awards is on cards. Does anyone have any idea of overall ecological footprint of a building as the one under consideration? The competition should have following conditions: 1) no sand will be allowed (i.e., no concrete, no glass. Please read NY mayor’s announcement last month disallowing civil construction as this industry has not gone beyond sand, the recovery of which takes millions of years. And crushed stone is not a complete substitute. 2) No water will be procured from the land of the country as it is facing water scarcity. Most of our megacities, including the capital, are declared water stressed. Tatas, Mittal and Jindal, a fortnight ago, announced a drop in production not due to technical competence /financial/ commitment issues; but simply because of water shortage. It is time to review greening the urban built-up in 21st century and laying new infrastructure in light of diminishing per capita resources. It is high time that construction industry recognises the role of sand grains (along with soil) in climate stability as both provide a seat to the denitrifiers and methanotrophs protecting us from most lethal GHGs like nitrous oxide and methane. Rather building new buildings, please rewrite the curricula for civil engg. New text books, new teachers, new technologies, NEW REGULATIONS, to let life exist in all forms on this planet. And finally, 3) out of 543, how many members, except for revision of perks, attend the sessions? And when it comes to revision of perks, the meeting hardly lasts for a minute or two. Can it not be held in the garden on a winter morning under soothing sunlight? Please do not add more liabilities to the planet. It is showing fracture lines that contractors/ engineers/ designers / finance committees/ all member of human species together cannot retrofit. I very humbly submit to allow me to meet any/all of the parties involved in the competition and have a dialogue at length. I will be available on my own cost at their time and place of convenience. And if they decide otherwise, kindly request them to go through Babylonian history, its glorious past and reasons for the fall that turned the most beautiful part of the world into what, geographically and climatically, Iraq is today.

  16. Manish Parikh says

    It’s futile making comments on these proposals as the process through which they have been generated is totally flawed.
    At the very beginning of an architectural enterprise of this magnitude there should be a clarity regarding such a complex programme and subsequent brief.
    If this stage itself is so hazy,one can foresee the outcome.

  17. sameer kamal says

    why is there a need to do all this when there are other things that need more attention!!

  18. Ruchi Chourasia says

    I think Delhi has various other areas that needs redevelopment and redesigning.
    construction at this scale will lead to more pollution. Delhi needs solutions and not unnecessary proposals.

  19. B . Premananda Shetty says

    Respected ladies and gentlemen
    From Hubballi,Karnataka
    I am not so great or knowledgable group to comment in front of stalwarts regarding this huge project.
    But before going for this I would like to re-call the experience of Chief Justice of Kolkata high court SIR JOHN WOODROFFE
    After his interaction with students of Kolkata university he quotes “Indians first they must become
    real Indians then only Swaraj will be meaningful “

    Fritjof Capra
    World famous physicist says about Indian ancient people
    “If you want to see the truth u have to go back eastern saint age but not the western people “
    Considering few point how much responsibility on our shoulders
    Please please act according to that.
    Otherwise our future generations will not and never respect us.
    Most of u heard Narasimha sthothra
    Just I will take one middle stanza
    “Bramadha bibava bhubradh boobari Sadahbidh bidhanava
    vibhava bru vibra ma dhabra shubra bhaya betharbhari
    bho bho vibhobhie dhaha dhaha narasimhasya viryahi thahme:
    Only if u chant this u will be purified and u can see the picturesque of the Narasimha avatar u can see
    So like wise our building should also represent our tradition,values,commitment,quality,leadership and through this we are controlling whole WORLD.
    Hope u people got my views.
    God bless u all.

  20. Akshay Suman says

    From the above .the CP kukreja have more clear vision about the capital city…it’s reflecting in the presentation…they have balanced the design with lutyen,s heritage, climate of the zone, and same time contemporary global trends.
    But the big question lies in process of competition n selection…it’s should be first open to anybody painter, architect, writer, artist even common men..to take the idea or image of the central vista…then engage the technical professional for the Job.
    Hope the process will be open for suggestions and accomodating the same.

  21. ar.rashid shaikh says

    cp kukreja and ini
    even normal person who hav no knowledge of architecture and this field can tell that
    i dont understand how HCP DESIGNS can win with their proposal.

  22. Amit Sharma says

    None of these architects is an urban designer. This reflects in their proposals.

    BTW they should have shown Delhi’s smog in their concepts as well.

  23. Shailja Km says

    Parliament and Central Vista are the most iconic part of Delhi and it is valued as a heritage site around the world.
    1.Delhi will be losing it’s iconic Central Vista presence and there should be only improvements in Landscape and existing buildings services and structural part of existing offices.
    2.Delhi will be losing it’s green lungs by addition of new buildings and it will be no more a good open public space.
    Increase Green infrastructure in Delhi and decentralize chaotic places.
    How can CPWD and Government of India can do this to endanger a heritage site and addition of new buildings? Air quality worsens in Delhi every year and this is a must indication and situation to think what we are doing wrong,these places don’t need any redevelopment as they were designed in the past and are way a head of these kind of proposals.

    There is no need of such developments,lots of existing buildings can been used for government offices.Think of minimum intervention this will save us our heritage,green open areas and most important our iconic Parliament,Central vistas.We can’t stake our Heritage and Environment in hands of these kind of redevelopment plans.

  24. Architect PREM NATH says

    AR. PREM NATH’s Observations on the ‘Parliament Central Vista Redevelopment’

    As an Architect with more than 50 years of experience and having seen India evolve from pre-independence to this ‘Smart’ India – I would restrain myself from commenting on the designs of my fellow architects – but I do have to strongly express my observations on this scheme.
    The designs lack details: None of the design concepts shows any form or features of the structures planned, nor does it show the urban art or architecture – all of them simply give a glimpse of the overall block planning; I feel, that apart from master planning, the urban art, the streetscape, the structural form and features all should add to the iconicity of this area – which can be appreciated.
    The British developed the existing precinct of the Rajpath incl. the Rashtrapati Bhavan, the India Gate, the surrounding structures during their rule – the Architects who designed all these were Not Indians – however they developed a new Architectural style which is now known as Colonial Architecture – India being one of their colonies, what they developed in India was with Indian features and Indian flavour – be it the Jallis or the Jharookhas, be it the Chatris or the Domes, be it the Motifs or the Brackets – all from the local flavour of Indian Architecture. This was further taken-up and followed by the PWD and other Govt. Dept. when further building was developed later, post-independence;
    WHY is the DESIGN Concept not being worked out in the same Indian fashion?!
    Why can’t we Show-off our Architecture and bring the Indian Architecture to the forefront – Why is it being designed to look modern – read “Out-Of-Place”? I ponder, how does one recognise an Indian in the crowd of international delegates – how does PM Narendra Modi represent our country amidst the international leaders? And the answer is – he does this by his appearance, his clothing – his Bandhgala or his Kurta or the Koti which has in-fact gained much popularity as “Modi Koti”, a Woman in Sari is proudly recognised as an Indian – similarly, this development also has the Potential to be the Icon of India for ages it can be The Identity of India to the World.
    Design Competition & the Brief: Now to the most important factors… as regards to the overall system of this competition – WHY was the design competition limited to only a few resourceful Architects, who could pay Rs. Twenty-Five Lakhs to participate in the competition?! Why weren’t more ideas called for – from the unlimited talent that India has – why just Architects? Ideas could have come from even Artists, Historians, Government Architects, and so on. Also, I wonder, when the British designed the said area, what was the brief given to them? Why is the design brief so limited, why can’t one think with an open mind, collect ideas and then brainstorm it to a consensus – this way it shall be more Democratic too. I feel, even today, if a British Architect is called to design this area, he may do a better job – and why not – he will ensure that he does in-depth research of the heritage and culture of India, he shall review the precinct in detail – he’ll also suggest redevelopment of the surrounding structures in tandem with this icon layout; “If They Can, Why Can’t We Indians, too”

    1. Architect PREM NATH says

      Also, this brings me to add another point – If we see other countries like Saudi Arabia, UAE, etc. their Architecture depitcs their local culture & heritage, however the deisgners are not always Local – there are American Architects, British Architects, Australian Architects who develop these designs for them, suiting their local culture – then WHY Cant we Indian’s create Indian Architecture – and mind you, Indian Architceture doesn’t mean Temple Architecture.


        Well said.

  25. Vivek varma says

    I think Kukreja and INI were clear on the concept . They should be given an opportunity .
    Almost everyone is talking about the predicted winner, and hence a great architects like Hafeez will never submit a good proposal, if they know that they are no where in the race.

    Why waste creative time !!!!!

  26. Abhilash Agrawal says

    The entry by Kukreja sir deserves the project as I think the integration of modern and traditional architecture is being very well reflected into the design. The use of sensible local material and not putting glass is where it catches my attention. Also, the proposal of new tram system was a great idea. The design is actually seen respecting the old structure and not dominating as in other entries which I think is very important point to be considered

  27. Ar. Sushil Khairnar says

    An extremely well written and thought provoking article which makes one feel ashamed of a democracy in which an ordinary design scheme with no imagination has been chosen only because the architect is from a particular state even though a far superior and imaginative design of CP Kukreja Architects has been blatantly overlooked.

  28. Pragati Singhal says

    I think CP Kukreja Architects and INI Design Studio were clear on the concept & design proposal . Especially CP Kukareja idea of connecting yamuna to central vista as a natural river body source and not using glass everywhere.
    As we talk about Indian context and culture so considering it,we it should be focused as it seems in CP Kukreja Architect’s design proposal.

  29. Manish Patel says

    Parliaments facility on main vista be better located then in the corner behind north block. We can have both houses under glass roof covering entire width of Jan path. View of rashtrapati Bhavan from India gate should remain clear. Rajyashabha and lockshabha houses on north and south side of Jan path viewed as guard of democracy.

  30. Agni Gupta says

    It’s no doubt HCP design came up with the best one . INI one next best. This central Vista project was long overdue. Hope hope this project is completed without any delay and inproves the security and Work environment of our Government and Bureaucracy. It will help to make our bureaucracy and elected representatives in cohesive mannner reducing the delays and the rent cost , which in more than 1000crore annually.I am sure India’s revamped power center will take India to new heights

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